Pfizer CEO explains why he hasn't received a vaccine yet 2020


Pfizer CEO explains The U.S. passed the ignoble 300,000 deaths from COVID-19 mark on Monday afternoon, hours after the first vaccine doses were administered.Pfizer CEO explains

While the plan calls for health care workers and nursing home residents and staff to receive the earliest inoculations, a number of people will continue to wait as the slow rollout of the vaccine progresses.

Learn More: Today Coronavirus hospitalizations

Among those still waiting? Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla.

Bourla explained to CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta Monday that he did not want to appear to be jumping ahead in line to receive the vaccine.Pfizer CEO explains

“I haven’t taken it yet and we are having an ethical committee dealing with the question of who is getting it,” Bourla said, shortly after Sandra Lindsay, a critical care nurse at Long Island Jewish Medical Center, became the first American to receive the vaccine.Pfizer CEO explains

“Given that there are very strict allocation rules that the CDC has voted [on], we are very sensitive not to cut the queue and get vaccinated before,” Bourla said.

Learn More: Beginning antibody dissemination

Bourla also joined many prominent figures, including former Presidents Barack Obama, George Bush and Bill Clinton, in pledging to take the vaccine publicly if it will help instill confidence in the general public about its safety and efficacy.

“People will believe much more [in the safety of the vaccine] if the CEO gets vaccinated,” he said.Pfizer CEO explains

Experts predict that it may take until June or July 2021 for every American who wants to be vaccinated to receive the shot.Pfizer CEO explains

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